East Bay Community Music Project

Music Is Community!

New Program: Ensemble Connection

on September 1, 2016

Starting immediately, we will be offering a new service, called Ensemble Connection. Wendy Landerholm, a frequent participator in our Sunday Gatherings can tell you about it:

My name is Wendy and our family has been attending the EBCMP Sunday Gatherings for about two years now. EBCMP has been an amazing opportunity for our family to share music with other families, especially when I hear our kids spontaneously singing songs at home that they learned from the Sunday gatherings.

Music has always been an integral part of my life growing up; I was classically trained in piano and flute from grade school and throughout college. However, I have found that for the past 10 years or so, music has fallen by the wayside in the face of work, kids, and life in general. As a result, I am starting a community project to inspire “former” musicians to pick up their instruments again and connect with other like-minded musicians to rekindle their passion for music.

If you have at least 3-5 years of musical training at an intermediate to advanced level (even if you’re a little rusty now) and you want to meet once a month with other musicians in a small group setting to practice, sightread, and play music, please contact me at ensembleconnection@ebcmp.org.

This project is meant for adults, because I know how hard it is to carve out time for yourself to do what you love and challenge yourself in music. However, if you have kids, I am certainly up for coordinating play dates with other significant others to support you in your participation.

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